Idyl Tea featured in “Dead Venues” documentary

Dead Venues July 16 Poster copyIdyl Tea is featured in Eden Munro & Mark Siek’s recently released NTT Films documentary “Dead Venues” which premiered at the Global Visions Festival on May 8, 2015.

“City landscapes are littered with fallen music venues of every shape and size. Some old buildings still stand tall, bricks cracking, paint peeling more with every year, while others are marked only by the condos that cover their graves. Dead Venues explores the history of several of Edmonton’s shuttered venues and the communities that grew and evolved around them.”

The film had a second big screen showing on July 16, 2015 at The Metro Cinema in Edmonton. The evening included performances by Everett LaRoi, Sherry-Lee Heschel and Bob Prodor.

Idyl Tea now available on Apple Music

Idyl Tea leaning by Anastasia Andrews

Idyl Tea (2012)  by Anastasia Andrews

Idyl Tea is now available on Apple Music. The current top 5 Idyl Tea songs, now trending: Awfully Nice Eyes, Yeah Right, 5X Enough, Two Straight Lines, Not Without Her, Two Straight Lines.

Idyl Tea music is available from many other sites, including: Google Play Music, RDio, SpotifyRhapsodyiTunesAmazon Prime Music , cdbaby  and Bandcamp.